We need to talk.

It takes a village to talk about money


Welcome to the 61st edition of Your Weekly Aura, a newsletter featuring must-read money and mindfulness tips and tricks from Courtney & Kelsey. This week we’re talking about breaking the silence on society’s expectations around money and work.

Loud Silence

Money talk is all around us.

From finfluencers promising to help you get rich quick to political pundits talking about the health of the economy - even our friends at NASDAQ hosted us for Trade Talks.

Everywhere we turn, someone is telling us how to make money, how to spend it, and how happy more of it will make us. But who’s teaching us how to talk about money?

No one.

People talk about the $68 Trillion wealth transfer, but is anyone actually helping millennials navigate the transition from child to caregiver and decision-maker? Family members (mostly women) spend an average of 24 hours per week providing elder care to loved ones. That’s more than a part-time job and they rarely, if ever, receive any compensation.

In her book, "Fair Play," Eve Rodsky interviews dozens of homosexual couples about their household division of labor. Because they don’t have traditional gender norms to fall back on, the couples Rodsky spoke to had more open and honest conversations about partnership expectations and how to divide household responsibilities equitably.

We need new frameworks.

Caregiving is undervalued. Manliness is determined by your ability to provide. And Parents are expected to work like they don’t have kids and parent like they don’t have jobs.

The patriarchy hurts everyone.

It’s time to break the silence.

So tell me, how are you managing household responsibilities? Do you feel like it’s fair? Have you said anything? Why or why not? Don’t be shy, hit reply!

With gratitude,


For Your Aura

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The Star: The Sports Bra. Jenny Nguyen used her life savings to open a sports bar that plays only women’s sports and it brought in $1M in just eight months.

The Thinker: Banks are offering high rates on CDs now, but they might not last.

The Empath: After 3 years, student debt repayments are expected to resume soon.

The Activist: An open letter to buy no, pay later companies: “Your product is like cigarettes for our financial lives.”

What is an Index?

In finance, an index is like a report card for a group of securities, such as stocks or bonds.

Think of it this way: just like how a teacher uses a grading scale to evaluate the performance of their students, investors use an index to evaluate the performance of a specific market or sector.

For example, the S&P 500 is an index that tracks the performance of the 500 largest publicly traded companies in the United States. This index is a popular benchmark for investors to evaluate the performance of their own stock portfolios or to compare the performance of different mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track the index.

Indexes are usually weighted by market capitalization, meaning that larger companies have a greater impact on the index than smaller ones. Some indexes are also weighted differently, such as by equal weight or by fundamental factors like revenue or earnings.

You can’t invest directly into an index, but you can buy index funds and ETFs to “track” indexes like the S&P 500.

It's important to keep in mind that indexes are not a guarantee of investment success and past performance does not guarantee future returns. As always, it's important to do your research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.


↗️ DJIA. The Dow rose 200 points on Friday, heading towards the best monthly gain since January.

↗️ BBB Land Grabs. Closures of Bed Bath & Beyond retail stores are expected to kick off a land grab for fast growing retail chains.

↘️ First Republic Bank. FRB’s shares dropped 50%, experts believe the bank might be headed for receivership.

↘️ Tucker Carlson’s Employment Status. The controversial former Fox News anchor was abruptly fired days after the network settled a defamation lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems for $787.5M. Carlson’s firing is reportedly related to text messages he sent that emerged during the Dominion case as well as Fox producer Abby Grossberg’s lawsuit against the network.


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